Sunday 1 June 2008

Simon Cowell: 'Graham Norton is Incredibly Arrogant'

Simon CowellSimon Cowell has blasted Graham Norton after the camp television presenter criticized Britain's Got Talent.

Norton, who presents the BBC's rival talent show, I'd Do Anything, hit out at the use of "sob stories" on Cowell's show, citing 13-year-old contestant Andrew Johnston, who was bullied at school for wanting to be an opera singer, as one example.

Cowell, who also judges American Idol and the UK's X Factor, said Norton should've kept his thoughts to himself and concentrated on his own programme.

Simon said, "I read what Graham said and I thought it was incredibly arrogant.

"I don't get into that 'which show is better?' rubbish. He should think before he speaks next time."

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